Moving on is the process of creating your future. If you don’t find yourself moving on then your present will suggest that you are stuck in the past and unless it was the bomb, without regrets, you must be very depressed right now.
Although my future seems to have been the past repeated “same shit, different day” scenarios for the last ten years, I have to admit the different environments give me a sense optimism. Maybe things will be different this time and I won’t make the same mistakes again is the game plan. As applied to my recent bold moves, I can only say so far so good.
Throughout my life, I have been told by instructors, mentors, and elders that everyone learns from their mistakes but in my experiences, I have found that this is not true. What if the individual has no accountability and lacks hindsight? How many people do you know that when questioned about making the same mistake again, their response is just the sad “I know”. Well not me, I am that once bitten, twice shy kind of woman.
Where am I going with all this? Well I am in a much better place right now. Everything is new but not unfamiliar so adapting is a cinch. I know where I am headed and I see nothing but success in my present future. I’ve moved on, and the change in environment doesn’t intimidate me. So why am I constantly looking into my not so distant past? I am not sure if I am making sure I dotted every “I” and crossed every “T” but whatever it is, I hope that one day my past will stop haunting me and moving on will not include the reflection of my past.