Facebook status's are great, especially when you get tangled up in one that goes on and on and on and on....
Why do some Christians wear a shroud of understanding when their hearts are filled with biased rage? Follow this thread and see what I mean. Oh yeah, the red has no relation to the red in bibles, js.
Ed Rhino[[ QUESTION 369 ]] A man impregnates his girlfriend. She gives him a marriage ultimatum. He fears not seeing his child and proposes. HE has no peace about the marriage, even through the wedding day. Fear of disappointing the families and wedding party, he relunctantly recites his vows without his heart believing in...
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5 hours ago · Comment · Like
Jessica BoyerYes!
5 hours ago
LiaLia Author Alia BillingsDoesn't sound like a marriage put together by God...
5 hours ago
April Non-traditional Strozierwow 9 years it took him alone time im proud of him
5 hours ago
Sophia JohnsonMoses gave us divorce to make life easier, divorce is not god's will. The mistake started when he decided to have sex without protection. Nine years ago, he should have exercised chaste and waited for the right one to have children with. His foolish choices does not earn him a free pass unless he observes Yom Kippur.
5 hours ago
Ed RhinoSophia, is every marriage God's will?
5 hours ago
Karen Williamsas long as he sincerely repents . . God is merciful and true to His Word . . 1 JN 1:9 . . if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from ALL unrighteousness..
5 hours ago
Miles T. FitzpatrickIt was a "shotgun wedding" and his vows were said under duress. (Under threat of withholding his child) Of course God forgives him under these extreme circumstances. I'm surprised that he could hang in there nine years!!! SMH
5 hours ago
Angela Marie HintonFirst, he should not have let himself be manipulated into marriage if he didn't want to be. Since he went for it, he has to lie in that hard bed he made, I will assume there was no gun to his head at the ceremony. Why jump into something and then want out and hope God forgives. Work all that out beforehand.
5 hours ago
Terry PotilloNot every marriage is God's will because of the "Free Will" He gives us. I had "Free Will" both marriages and both ended with their infidelity and me filing for divorce. I am definately waiting on Him the next time, His Will only no matter what. I believe in Love after Love ♥
5 hours ago
Sophia JohnsonOnce married in the eyes of god, any relationship that goes on after divorce is adulterous, the only way to get around it would be through Jesus or Yom Kippur. He may get forgiven for the divorce but he will never be able to engage in a relationship without it being adulterous. He might as well suck it up and remain married. For better or for worse. If he had sex with her, he should have loved her. That is why promiscuity leads nowhere. He should not have married her, he needs to see this mistake through till death do they part.
5 hours ago ·
Sophia Johnson
"The Pharisees also came to Him, testing Him, and saying to Him, 'Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for just any reason?' And He answered and said to them, 'Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning "made them male and female," and said, "For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh"? So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.' They said to Him, 'Why then did Moses command to give a certificate of divorce, and to put her away?' He said to them, 'Moses, because of the hardness of your hearts, permitted you to divorce your wives, but from the beginning it was not so. And I say to you, whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another, commits adultery; and whoever marries her who is divorced commits adultery'" (Mat. 19:3-9).
5 hours ago ·
Sophia Johnson
Sorry for the brother, but whats done is done.
5 hours ago ·
Benjamin WhitleyYes
4 hours ago
Ed RhinoSophia, God is not the God of punishment as you've described. Not every marriage is God's will. Anything not done by faith is sin. This marriage was definitely not an act of faith, but fear by which God has no part of. Just as sure as everybody praying in the name of Jesus knows Jesus, everybody marrying is not marrying with God's blessing .
4 hours ago
Doretta L LeeGrace and Mercy...stands tall in these situations. I was pushed/manipulated into a marriage after I got saved. no counseling, no consideration for whether we were compatible for the long haul. The church just wanted us to LOOK the part. After 17 years of marriage I left..things never got better only progressively worse. There's nothing worse than being in a one sided or loveless marriage..it's literally Hell On Earth.
4 hours ago
Sophia Johnson
God and his son says One Flesh. It is what it is to question this is questioning THEIR word, not mine.
4 hours ago ·
Sophia Johnson
Making up rules as you go is not the will of God, that is the will of man.
4 hours ago ·Doretta L LeeSophia God allowed Moses to allow divorce (a man to put away his wife) because of the hardness of their hearts. When youre in a loveless relationship, your heart tends to harden. Hardeness affects every area of our lives. Is it better to become hard and bitter or to get out of a situation so you can become the loving person you were designed to be? In this forum we have an opportunity to educate someone so they wont make this mistake.
4 hours ago
Pastor LeRon AtkinsonPersonally, I don't believe in being unhappy. Life is too short to stay in a marriage that is not working. Exhaust all possible options to salvage the marriage, if it is salvagable. As far as "Til Death Do You Part", the brother was comatose going in the marriage and died a slow death by staying with this BEASTY BOSSY BRIDE. Yes, he had a choice - no qualms about it - but,there comes a time when one has to ADMIT IT & QUIT IT once you've come to terms with your mistake!
4 hours ago
Doretta L LeeAMEN Pastor Atkinson
4 hours ago
Sophia Johnson
He can divorce his wife and be happy, but will God forgive him for divorcing his wife whom has been faithful, nope. He is a man of free will, his divorce is of his free will, not god's will, plain and simple. The hardness of which Jesus speaks is the stubbornness of man to exercise his own free will and not give unto the will of God.
Divorce was not Gods creation. The brother should have just went to court and got visitation or partial custody. He can be happy but if he is a man that wants to serve God, then he needs to stay put. To flex god's will in one regard would suggest that you can flex his will in all, so maybe it would be better for him to kill his wife and move on. Till death do us part but oh yeah, Gods says you should not kill also. Maybe he will forgive him in this case also.
As I stated, the mistake was not the marriage, it was the carnal life he was leading having sex with a woman he did not intend to spend the rest of his life with. This type of 'free will" is why we are plagued with divorce and there is no value in marriage in christian households. This revolving door on marriage is wrong, simply put. In the next life, the perfect existence that will be built for gods children to reign in the future will not include this selfish man. Willing to marry to please man, unwilling to stay married to please God. Smh.
4 hours ago ·-Heriberto Alonso
Duh...of course! Been there...
3 hours ago
Doretta L LeePeter made a commitment (which is what marriage is) to never deny Jesus...Jesus knew the circumstances Peter would face would naturally (humanly) create a response to SURVIVE! I'm speaking on a personal level...I was suicidal, depressed, oppressed, mentally tortured in my marriage...the last of my natural will to SURVIVE kicked in. I do not condone...
See More
3 hours ago
-Heriberto Alonso@Sophia - divorce sometimes is inevitable. Back in the Moses day...husbands would divorce their wives for stupid reasons. Most 20yr old that get married have no clue what LOVE & COMMITTMENT really is. Jesus simplified the law so that husbands would not leave the wife just because she gained some weight, burned some food or is not as attractive. In ...
See More
3 hours ago
Doretta L Leevery well said Heriberto Alonso.
3 hours ago
Pastor LeRon AtkinsonSophia...Sophia...Sophia , I hear your points and admire your convictions on the matter. I'm trying to flip a coin and decide which hat to wear in addressing your latest comment. First & foremost- the only unpardonable sin is blashphemy against the Holy Spirit, according to Holy Writ. Therefore, YES, God will forgive him for divorcing his wife "whom has been faithful". Additionally, to your statement that, "if he wants to serve God he needs to stay put" - that's a coin - FLIP IT! If a man and his wife are at odds, his prayers are hindered before God, according to the Word. If he's in an unhealthy marital relationship his service is already being prohibited b/c God's ears are numb to his petition until it is fixed.
Yes, he was in error with the fornication piece....let's go deeper. He complicated matters by not using protection; clearly the Bride wasn't pressing the contraception issue either. One could gather that this kat has a lust issue. I would rather him leave the situation instead of staying in it unhappily to satisfy religious riggamahrole; it only open doors to adultery, etc. That's what happens when a person's essential needs arent being met; substitute(s) are interviewed! The mistake was the fornication and the carnal life he was living. Staying married does not please God...faith pleases God.
3 hours ago
Sophia Johnson
If we adhered to the consequences of Gods law, humanities current state would be quite different. Gods will is not grey, it's always been black and white. My way or your way, your choice. Everyone has free will, Gods will is more demanding, who said to abide by Gods will was easy? The original question was, would God forgive a man for divorcing his wife because he was unhappy, not whether he should stay married.
If he truly wants to please God or is worried if his actions were to fit Gods favor, he would stay married. Perhaps folks should do the right thing initially and give life before marriage some time.
Having a child out of wedlock is not against Gods favor. If he was worried about pleasing God, then he should have not married homegirl. Jesus does not condone divorce, God does not condone it either. So tough tomatoes for anyone who would think that they would be ushered into God's grace because they exercised their will over his. So you married the wrong chap, terrible thing, know your mate before you choose them. A lot of unfortunate things take place because of people exercising their free will as do a lot of good things. Whether those acts are right with God can be found in his word, period.
God is very unforgiving, Jesus it your ticket to forgiveness. Plucking eyes out if that is what Jesus demands and you follow him, pluck it out. So what if you are a cyclops, you would have been a sincere christian. The unwillingness to yield to Gods will is why we are stuck in this mess of and existence in the first place, the weakness of those who exercise their free will absent of what Gods will demands because it makes life easier for them. If God were to wear a tee shirt it should say "Do you" and I'mma continue to do right by the seed of those that chose my will over theirs". He did not make it easy, I embrace that. I am very careful about the things I choose in life, considering that most of my existence evolves around a society that makes some choices for you or you suffer the consequences of unemployment, jail and so on.
BTW, the difference between the time of Moses and now is a date, technological advances and overpopulation. Gods will is the same then as it is today.
3 hours ago ·-Heriberto Alonso@Sophia - I'm glad you ain't God nor Jesus. We would have a bunch of Pirates of the Carribean with a patch over our plucked eye & Captain Hooks with those who cut their arm cause they stole. Last I checked the Word it said "His grace is sufficient for me for I boast in my WEAKNESS that when I'm weak thru Him I'm strong." {written by a man who frustrated the heck out of himself in trying to live a PERFECT life & wrote 2/3 of the New Testament...Apostle Paul}. Nuff said.
2 hours ago
Michael Houstonof course go forgives all who ask
2 hours ago
Michael Houston
god sorry
2 hours ago
Doretta L LeeIt appears that some answers are out of a defensive place of pain and I respect that pain but it doesnt change the fact that we are not expected to go through voluntary humiliation or play the martyr to satisfy a law for the lawless. It appears to me there is a pain of rejection that has not been healed. When we are in pain, it's hard to see objectively. Forgive the person that has wronged you and then you'll have the ability to have compassion on those who have chosen to be freed from a tumultuos relationship.
2 hours ago
Sophia Johnson
I have very little adoration for Paul and his 2 thirds of the New Testament, he is just another man, his philosophy is not that path that I choose to follow. The gospel according to, smh. Wish I knew what his weaknesses were. Actually come to think of it, I am terrified to find out what weakness for which he is boastful, and gives Jesus the burden of representing his strength. Nice excuse. My kids will not be taught to give into what makes them weak, ever.
It still is what it is, you do you, doesn't mean that God will embrace your actions. He gave you free will for a reason, but if you want to live within his grace, it's his way, un-compromised, period.
2 hours ago ·Michael Houston@ sophia so yu know bout that new testament too.. you are soo right
2 hours ago
Michael Houstonyou know the funny thing is christians believe they are following Jesus.. christanity is Pauls religion... Jesus was a Rabbi Jewish
2 hours ago
Sophia Johnson
@ Doretta; I am 12 years married, 5+1 children and wealthy. I have been wronged by many and forgiven many. God has shielded me from actions that would leave me in a place to not be forgiving. I also do not judge, hence my saying that you are free to live your life as you choose, but to fit in the shoes that God gives out for you to walk in, they may not be comfortable for unyielding people.
Rejection is a common thread in life, I am unbothered by it. Only Gods rejection is what I fear.
Having compassion for the abused partner, and the abuser, been there done that. Marriage is a lifelong commitment that if folks would give the relationships time, then maybe they would not get married to an abuser. EVERYONE knows the bed that they choose to lie in after time is given to get to know someone. My spouse, we knew each other for 13 years before we got married. My abusive ex whom I have a child with, whom he abandoned, thank GOD I did not marry him. God actually saved me from making that mistake. If he walked in the door and wanted to be a part of my son's life now, I would welcome it with open arms.
Your assumption was wrong. Let's agree to disagree on this one. You say God will forgive him based on your beliefs and I say he will not.
To address everyone else, what I believe and expressing it was not an intention to have them scrutinized by those who see things differently, I should have known better than engage most of this banter. I am sure that there are those who would agree with me, just not in this forum. To each his own. No one here will be able to convince one another to believe in what the other believes in. The one thing that is consistent is the word and Gods word is that Divorce is a no go. You cannot separate one flesh. Moses created divorce, man creates adultery. If we teach our children to get it right in the beginning, we would have a lot less to worry about.
about an hour ago ·
Sophia Johnson
@Michael; I could go on, but I have to digress. I mentioned over and over again that Yom Kippur for some and Jesus for others is the only way to get forgiveness for sin.
Marriage the second or more times around is unforgivable. You can only remarry and your relationship not be considered adultery in Gods eyes if your ex dies. You divorce, you stay celibate and you will be alright.
about an hour ago ·
Sophia Johnson
Double dipping in sin is so wrong, especially if you do so knowingly.
about an hour ago ·
Sophia Johnson
@Michael, yes sir, I know that Jesus was a Jew, he bore that crown and the title as king of the Jews in life and death.
about an hour ago ·Doretta L LeeI really dont like taking things to this level on someone elses forum but I feel a strong leading to do so..being married to someone else and wealth doesnt necessarily relieve the pain of past rejection..you said I was wrong and then you turned around and validated what I said. PAIN is blinding..I know when I know what I'm talking about. I dont respond to these forums because I have nothing else to do. I am very busy...I have a life outside of FB. Another note, I am very suspect of a married woman with 6 children who has so much time to spend on the internet. When I was married and raising 3...to be a virtuous woman, I had no time for verbal power struggles with people who werent going to add or take away from my household.
Now let's get REAL technical...if you had a child by your EX even if you didnt have PAPERS that said you were married...under TORAH or the OLD TESTAMENT you were married! THEREFORE, you are currently in an adulteress relationship....hmmmmmmm! I'm not saying this to be cruel but in hopes the scales will be removed from your spiritual eyes. You and no one else on here is living a perfect life according to the law! the only true perfection is in the law of love. JESUS said this and so did Paul hmmmmm. What really confuses me is..what in the world did Jesus do in the case of the woman who those men brought before him accused of adultery and what did JESUS do and say in the case of the woman at the well who He revealed that He knew what kind of woman she was...I seriously hope and pray you study the law of love closely. This world started with LOVE and it's going to end with LOVE everything else in between is to lead us back to LOVE. No one on here is condoning wrong but many have been enlightened by the power of love..and refuse to be in bondage. Sis you are not fully healed..trust me..I was you at one time..no compassion, no grace, no mercy. Even with people around you, it's a lonely life. Love and Live.
about an hour ago
Sophia Johnson
My child and the sex partners of my past are a result of my upbringing which mimics the life you embrace. For my children, I rebuke my upbringing and am showing them the life that God intended for us to lead.
Your assumptions and judgements about me are not unexpected. I am not hurt or lonely and I embody all that you have judged me not to have, compassion (mercy is the same thing) and living in Gods grace. Your strong leading is anger, why be angry with me? I do not know you and this is my first time on fb in 6 days. In the words of Mr. T "I pity the fool". You engaged me, I did at no point ask you your opinion, I simply responded to an open forum that wanted individuals to share theirs.
Please forgive me for giving you a lesson here regarding premarital sex and the Torah, but your facts are incorrect.
Promiscuity and Pre-Marital Sex
Many people are surprised to learn that the Torah does not prohibit premarital sex. I challenge you to find any passage in the Jewish scriptures that forbits a man from having consensual sexual relations with any woman he could legally marry. It's just not there!
Nor is there any passage that requires a man to marry a woman after having consensual sexual relations with her. The passage forcing a man to marry the woman deals with rape (the man seizes her). It says nothing about consensual relations. Some say that consensual sexual relations create a common law marriage, which can only be dissolved through divorce, though the law on this point is not clear.
This is not to suggest that Judaism approves of pre-marital sex or promiscuity. Quite the contrary: traditional Judaism strongly condemns the irresponsibility of sex outside of marriage. It is considered to be improper and immoral, even though it is not technically a sin. In fact, to prevent such relations, Jewish law prohibits an unmarried, unrelated man and woman from being alone long enough to have sexual relations. But these laws come from the Talmud and the Shulchan Aruch, not from the Torah.
Be blessed in your eyes wide shut existence.
10 minutes ago ·
Sophia Johnson
BTW, my kids were in bed by 9pm, so I can indulge in whatever fills my mommy time, fb, pandora or sex with my husband. I would have preferred the sex but he was tired. I should have woke him up.
6 minutes ago ·
Sophia Johnson
The text regarding Judaism and pre-marital sex was taken from:
Got to give them their credit. Check it out, it's a great read.